Sardines on Sourdough with Salad and Carrot Pickle
Serves 1 (just double, triple, quadruple as needed)
1/2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tin of sardines in tomato sauce
1 tbsp bio-live yoghurt
10 mint leaves, chopped
squeeze of lemon juice (optional)
black pepper
1 slice of sourdough, toasted
Green salad
Carrot pickle or grated carrot
Add the olive oil to a frying pan, warm, add the spices and gently heat for a minute until just beginning to bubble
Add the sardines and tomato sauce and heat through on both sides, about 1-2 mins on each side
Meanwhile mix the chopped mint leaves and yoghurt, if you have lemon and fancy a more lemony taste add this too
Serve the sardines and the sauce on sourdough toast, with the minty yoghurt dressing and some green salad. I had some delicious carrot pickle but grated carrot or some sauerkraut would also be nice
More About Sardines
Sardines are a rich source of omega 3 anti-inflammatory fats. They provide vitamin B12, an important vitamin for energy and nervous system health. As their bones are edible then they provide you with all the nutrients needed to keep your bones healthy.
If you choose an MSS certified brand then you can rest assured they have been fished sustainably.
Alternatives to Sardines
Look for this MSC label
Mackerel or Rainbow Trout fillets would be a great alternative in this dish and these are both rated ‘green’ (representing the most sustainably caught or farmed fish by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). Both these fish are also ‘oily’ fish meaning they provide good levels of omega 3.